Tuesday, October 20, 2015

1 - I'm going to the closet, to grab my stuff and split!

Wow. This is the end of the countdown! My last full day in Canada before I hop on a plane to a new adventure!
I'd like to thank you all who've been following my ramblings and research thus far, and ESPECIALLY to thank all of you who've supported me financially. I couldn't be doing this without you.
Well, I've still got a lot of packing to do, so without further delay...


(aka the Lemurs)

Yes, the lovely, leap-leaping lemurs! I saved the best for last. Ok, I'm probably a bit biased on that point, since I went through a "lemurs are my favourite animal" phase when I was a kid. I blame this on the Kratt brothers. My friends and I even had a secret hiding spot called "The GLT" (Great Lemur Tree). And there was the "GLF" (Great Lemur Fort). And we hopped around a lot.

But c'mon! There's so much to love about lemurs! They jump around in trees all day, munching on leaves and fruit as they go, and they're so fuzzy and cute! They're like a cross between a monkey and a kangaroo.


There are around 100 species of lemurs, some tiny...

...some not much shorter than me...

...all found living exclusively on Madagascar. Despite being revered and considered sacred by the Malagasy, logging, industry and politics have prevailed, and lemurs are the most endangered group of mammals in the world. In fact, it is predicted that 90% of the species of lemurs may go extinct within 20-25 years.

Lookit these majestic critters.

Here's a quick (and adorable) video by NatGeo showing some ongoing efforts to preserve the lemur population:

Well, that's it from me for now, the next time I share a fun fact about Madagascar, it'll be from FIRST HAND experience, and not wikipedia.

Here goes!

I shall leave you with this blast from the past...Happy Lemur Day!

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