Thursday, July 14, 2016

Lions & Cheetahs & Boars, OH MY!

Well, I've already missed a week of posting. Shootski.

So, I'll try to make up for it this week with AWESOME AFRICAN ANIMALS!!

Madagascar has an incredibly unique and diverse collection of animals that don't exist anywhere else in the world (except for in zoos). It was really amazing to see these animals (let's be honest, mainly the lemurs) in the wild.

Benin, however, as part of mainland Africa, is home to many incredible African animals, including one of the largest remaining reserves of the endangered West African lion.

The West African lions are facing extinction from retaliatory killings of farmers over lost livestock, and also from the poaching of their food sources. Conservationists are hopeful that the population can be preserved, but they are in a precarious state. 

The northern parks also contain a small population of the critically endangered Northwest African Cheetah, whose picture on wikipedia is the kind you might not want to look at late at night...

*Shudders* Uh...can you say spooky? It's like a screenshot from an episode of ghost whisperers. I suppose this just speaks to the rarity of the animal, when this is the best the internet could find. Only ~250 of this sub-species of cheetah are believed to be living.

Well. This just keeps getting more depressing. Let's look at some of the other animals in Benin (which...may or may not also be endangered) to lighten the mood?






Whoa. Sorry. Got a little carried away there.

That'll have to be all for now.

'Till next time,


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