Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Be-Guinea-ng

First off, sorry. I can't resist puns.

Now that that's out of the way, I want to talk about the work that goes on before the ship even arrives in a country. Exciting things are happening this week in preparation for the next field service in Guinea, during which I'll again be serving for a few months (Jan-March)!

This will be the 6th time that Mercy Ships has visited Guinea (not to be confused with Guinea-Bissau or Equatorial Guinea...or Papua New Guinea); the last visit being in 2012. Interestingly, when we return to a country or region a few years down the road, there are some patients who we've asked to return for additional reconstructive work - things that we just can't get done within the limited time we have in each field service. Sometimes these years are needed to allow the necessary bone growth and healing before one final corrective procedure. I've heard amazing stories from Dr. Gary Parker (who has served with Mercy Ships for almost 30 years), who, by the way, is almost certainly the most humble and genuine surgeon/chief of medicine I've ever met. I was floated to D Ward yesterday, and amidst the chaos while he was rounding on all his patients, he stepped aside to where I was pouring meds and shook my hand; "I'm Gary, nice to meet you." Can't say I've met many surgeons who would even notice when a new nurse showed up in their work setting, let alone single them out to make sure he knew their name. Back to his stories, though. There are patients he operated on 10 or 20 years ago, babies whose cleft lips he's repaired, who have brought their own children to him for the same procedure decades later. And he remembers them.

The man is a legend.

Back to Guinea, though.

The reason it's very much on my mind is due to the departure of the Advance team this week to begin preparations for our field service.

 The advance team will begin the process of selecting then renovating clinic and screening sites, establishing immigration and port authority agreements, a berth space for the ship to "park" in, and interviewing & hiring over 200 day crew who will be our backbone once we arrive. They will also liaise with local hospitals and professionals to identify other needs that we can help address with our Medical Capacity Building programs.

Shortly after the ship's arrival in Guinea in August, the Screening Team (pictured above) will begin the arduous pre-screening process; assessing thousands of potential patients to determine who we can best help in the time we have. Of those many thousands, 2,000-3,000 will be given an appointment card to return and meet with a surgeon who will then make the final decision if surgery is in the patients' best interest.

Meanwhile, in Cameroon...

The last Women's Health surgery was last week, and our ladies are slowly trickling out of the hospital. A few have been re-admitted, unfortunately, due to inexplicable infections. Far more than could be coincidental - but despite a hospital review board, in which nurses, team leaders, surgeons & hospital physicians all scoured each case to find some common denominator, we just couldn't put a pin in the cause. They've all begun to rally, however, and we're happy to see them progressing in the right direction. 

Although there will be no more dress ceremonies in this field service, the memory of those joyous celebrations echoes in all the work we do. We still see the odd familiar face here and there at the Hope Center or on the dock for their follow-up appointment.

We're transitioning into General Surgery, now, which means our Women's Health team is going to be a bit scattered, mingling with the other wards.

I feel your pain, Mary.

We have an amazing team, though, and I'm just being over-dramatic. Most of us will still be working together.

If you can call it working...

À la prochaine.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Whispers & Weavers

I sat on a bench, surrounded by patients and their caregivers, some familiar, some not. I found myself getting frustrated with the murmuring going on all around me. Why aren't they paying attention? This is good stuff! The Day Crew of the Hope Center were telling the story of the ten lepers. Of the one leper who returned to thank Jesus for his healing. Asking good questions - and getting great responses from the audience. Why didn't Jesus just heal them on the spot - why send them to the priest? Why did only one, the Samaritan, return? The parables that are shared in the Hospital and Hope Center services always seem to revolve around healing. I suppose it is a subject that everyone here can relate to in some way. I wonder if it is wise to put such an emphasis on it though.

There are so many other important things Jesus taught us...but maybe the story isn't really about healing. Maybe that's just the top layer of a much deeper point. But - ugh. Why are those guys chatting again??

I turned in my seat to notice a few clusters of people in the crowd, their heads huddled together as they spoke. Abruptly, I remembered the same phenomenon in Benin. I'm an idiot. They're translating. 

There are just so many different languages in this part of the world that one or two translators with microphones simply won't do, and it's incredibly inefficient to wait through the 5 or 6 or more it would take to cover all the languages needed. Instead, the translation process happens much more organically. The people who share a language sit together, and one or two among them, who also speak French, translate quietly as the speaker continues. It is the United Nations of  the developing world - many different cultures all hearing the same message at the same time in their own tongue.

Perhaps this, too, has a deeper meaning to it - or this could be a bit of a stretch - but bear with me.

My initial irritation at the noise in the crowd was a little self-righteous. I was preoccupied with the apparently disrespectful behaviour, the distraction to all those around me trying to listen. In reality, however, half the audience would be unable to listen, to receive the message, if it weren't for this noise. I (for the second time in this exact circumstance) completely misjudged the situation. I was looking at it from a western perspective. A Canadian perspective. One in which politeness is so emphasized we don't even turn around and hush the people talking during a movie - we just sit there and stew about it till the credits roll. All the while, my annoyance is distracting me more than the noise itself.

It is very easy to look at the surface of cultural norms that are so very different from our own and see only rudeness or disrespectful behaviour, when the reality is often the complete opposite. It takes time, patience, research, and sometimes a willingness to make a fool of yourself to get to a place where something very foreign can be seen with a modicum of understanding and respect.

I am slowly inching my way there, but it isn't easy to overcome preconceptions that are so ingrained in my worldview. I am trying, though, trying to learn to challenge my assumptions when I read a headline or meet a newcomer from another country.


The discussion carried on, and my distraction was shifted to these little yellow birds flitting in and out of a nearby tree; long strands of grass trailing behind them. The birds were familiar - there are often a few to be found on the upper decks of the ship - but their current preoccupation was new to me. I marveled as I noticed the structures they were constructing with all this grass. Southern Masked Weavers, I now know they're called - and I was a bit entranced with their grace and ingenuity. It seemed to echo the work we are trying to do here. We aren't building permanent edifices, or trying to change the structure of the tree. Instead, we create a temporary retreat - a place to hide from the rain, from prying & judgmental eyes, to be loved, cared for, and to emerge with new purpose and potential.

After the meeting concluded with a beautiful poem, written by one of the Hope Center Day Crew (which, I might add, rhymed in both English and French!), we had more joyous singing and dancing, followed by some somewhat bitter-sweet goodbyes. Many of our fistula patients were here for their last few days, awaiting one final follow-up appointment before they would leave Douala and travel far north, back to their homes. I'll almost certainly never see any of them again, except in photos. One patient excitedly ran inside then back out to show me photos of her in her dress at the ceremony. A truly beautiful woman (as all of them are), who has an easy smile, one that shows in her eyes. A beauty that I hope she now knows can never be taken away from her - no matter what the future holds. A beauty that fills her, inside and out, in the knowledge that she is loved.

It always comes back to love.

À la prochaine.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Family That Floats Together...

This post is going to be a bit of a cheat, because I'm not going to write anything. Instead, I'm just going to let you listen. I sat down with one of the long-term crew to get a different perspective of life here on the ship, and we recorded our conversation for your listening pleasure.

If you want to read more about the Barki's wild and wonderful life, check out their blog:  

There were half a dozen kiddos in the vicinity, as Jamie was supervising computer time while we chatted, so I apologize for the background noise - but I think it makes for a more authentic experience. Quiet moments can be rare and hard to come by around here! It starts out rather noisy, but it does get better as it goes on. I promise.

*EDIT* I forgot to ask Jamie her favourite new word that she's learned since being here - I can't say I was surprised that she picked "Azafady." Click here to learn why...

I'm still just figuring things out, so feel free to give me any criticism or suggestions you might have, I'll do my best to improve and build on this early process. I also recognize it was a bit longer than the popular vote suggested on facebook, but I think the conversation warranted a little more time.

I've got an actual blog topic rolling around in my head, so stay tuned for that post sometime soon.

Till then, à la prochaine!