What more can I say.
The last couple weeks have been pretty amazing; a huge amount of support has showed up on my Crew Fundraising page. Some of these were anonymous, and I have suspicions, but I'm not certain who you all are. So, in order to thank all of you, including those who cannot be named, I made this.
Did I mention you're all awesome? I'm just under $1400 now, which completely covers my crew fees for the two months. Whatever I raise over that amount will be helping with travel costs, and going directly to Mercy Ships.

In other news, EVERYTHING'S DONE.
Flights booked? Check.
ALL the needles! Check.
Paperwork? Signed, sealed, delivered.
Packed? Uh...ok well not everything.
Now I just gotta wait out these next 3 months.
Oh. One other thing I haven't done: find a sub-letter. We have an extra room in our house that we'd like to let out to help cover some of my rent while I'm away. It would be available in September, and it's a nice, upstairs, shared living space. Super close to Fleming College, ideal for a student. REALLY REASONABLE INCLUSIVE PRICE. So if you know of anyone, even for a couple weeks, get in touch with me!
Till next time,